The best quality replica of lv neonoe bag
This bag is a replica of the LOUIS VUITTON NÉONOÉ DAMIER. The bag is made of high-quality materials and has a
sophisticated design. The bag is perfect for a classy, elegant woman who knows the value of good design and the price of original luxury accessories. This bag has multiple features like a top zipper closure, an interior leather patch with a logo, an inside leather lining, an inside zip pocket, an inside logo plate, and a Detachable adjustable leather shoulder strap with Metal feet. This stylish bag will be a great addition to any fashionista’s wardrobe!
This Damier Ebene canvas bag is the must-have of the season. The bag was so popular that it sold out in less than a month. but here at oh my handbags, you can get it easily in a matter of days. The frame structure of the bag is made of polished stainless steel. It is a fixed bottom, which makes it hard for the bag to be scratched. The body is made of canvas, which is durable and easy to clean. It has a large capacity, allowing you to carry all your daily essentials. The size of the bag is 10.2 x 10.2 x 6.9 inches (Length x Height x Width) and the colour is Venus Pink its made with high-quality Damier Ebène coated canvas with Smooth cowhide-leather trim and Microfiber lining with Gold-colour hardware The strap is adjustable and detachable. The base of the bag is made of polyurethane, which is waterproof and durable. The interior has a large space, allowing you to store all your daily essentials with ease.
This product is exactly like the authentic LOUIS VUITTON NÉONOÉ handbag. However, it costs much less.
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