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The best quality replica bag- lv petite malle

The Louis Vuitton Petite Malle Monogram Handbag from oh my handbags is a great replica of the original one. This is a very popular handbag because of its classic, chic design and its durability. The material used to make the bag is imitation leather. The inside features a zippered pocket and an open pocket. The handles can be either worn on the shoulder or as a top handle. this bag is exceptionally luxurious and a total charmer

The very beautiful- Louis Vuitton PETITE MALLE MONOGRAM HANDBAG

The Louis Vuitton Petite Malle Monogram Handbag is a very beautiful piece. The handbag is made of top-quality leather. The colour and the design are classic, stylish, and elegant. The stitching is very neat and there is no sign of glue or any kind of imperfection.

The bag is smaller than a traditional LV shoulder bag, but still very spacious. The inside is lined with a piece of red fabric, It comes with a long strap and a short strap, so you can use it as a shoulder bag or a cross-body bag.The hardware of the bag is gold-tone, including the locks and the zipper, which are very easy to operate and comfortable to use. the bag also has an S-lock and magnetic closure for more security

The size of the bag is 20 x 12.5 x 5 cm (Length x Height x Width) and is made with Monogram canvas.




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